SVN version controller

Recently, I came accross the SVN version control mechanism. The idea is that we have a so-called working directory that acts as a source for a final version of some documents. Once we have a final version, the final version can be committed to another platform. This other platform can be accessed by others.

If we have a revised version, it can be subsequently committed. This revised version can then be accessed by others to want to have the revised version.

Let us look at the working directory. This looks like:

The .svn folder indicates that we have a working directory that contains files that may act as a final version of a document. Let us assume for the moment that “test.txt” may be used as a document that can be committed as a final version.

On the other hand, let us look at the platform where others may find the final version:

The platform is a website where documents can be accessed as final versions. We may download file ” test.txt” to see the latest committed version. We also see that we have version “r2” as the latest version.

How do we commit a next version as a final version?

The first command is “svn update”, whereby it is indicated that test.txt is changed in the working directory.

The second command is “svn commit -m “1234 toegevoegd””

We then see that the file is updated.

A new version “r3” is then shown.

Door tom