Oracle Aggregate and analytic functions

We all know aggregate functions in Oracle. Let me provide a simple example to recap what the aggregate function is. Let us firse this SQL on a 107 record table:

select department_id, listagg( first_name,'-') within group (order by hire_date) from employees group by department_id;

The result is a 12 record outcome, one record for each department:

One could be interested to combine this aggregate with the original data. One then calls for a so-called analytical function. The corresponding SQL is:

select department_id, first_name, listagg( first_name,'-') within group (order by hire_date)  over (partition  by department_id) from employees;

The result is a 107 record outcome whereby aggregates are mixed with the original records:

A similar code can be used to interlace grouping results (as a sum) with the original records. The code is:

select  department_id, salary, sum( salary)   over (partition  by department_id) from employees;

and the outcome:

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