Network reaction from Python

I have a php script that runs as cgi on a webserver. The programme is quite simple. First is asks for a userid and password. The userid and password are sent as a parameter. If these value coincide with expected value, the system returns a page where the user may click on a hyperlink to continue his journey.
We thus have a stream with two parameters that is sent from the user browser to the webserver, upon which the system may react.

It is possible to mimick this with a python programme that sends the same stream to the webserver. This programme looks like:

from urllib import request, parse
parms = {
    'txtUsername' : 'tom',
    'txtPassword' : 'binvegni'
querystring = parse.urlencode(parms)
u = request.urlopen(url, querystring.encode('ascii'))
resp =
print (resp)

This stream is sent to the webserver that runs on It sends the same stream of bytes as requested from script as it contains two parameter values (’txtUsername’, ’txtPassword’).
We call this Python programme with “D:\Users\tmaanen\Documents>python”. The answer received is:

This matches the stream as sent by the webserver as from the php script.

Finally, in case of get instead of post, the programme is slightly different:

from urllib import request, parse
parms = {
    'txtUsername' : 'tom',
    'txtPassword' : 'bunvegni'
querystring = parse.urlencode(parms)
u = request.urlopen(url+'?'+querystring)
resp =
print (resp)

Door tom