Starting vbscript

I recently came across vbscript. I was a bit curious to see how this works. As a first step, I created a small batch file (“tom.bat”) that invokes a vbscript. This script reads as:

cscript C:\Users\TOM.VAN-MAANEN\tom.vbs "KINLW7D6LPVM1"

This script shows how such vbscripts can be invoked. One may start a script from the command line with the command “cscript”. This command is followd by a scriptname and a parameter. The script is ” C:\Users\TOM.VAN-MAANEN\tom.vbs” and the parameter is “KINLW7D6LPVM1”. The script returns a runcode that can be displayed with exit %ERRORLEVEL%. As an example, I also provide the script:

On Error Resume Next
Const ONE_SEC = 1000
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
 Wscript.Echo "Usage: tom.vbs server1 [server2] [server3] ..."
End If
For Each Computer In WScript.Arguments
  Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts://" & Computer)
  Set colLogicalDisk = objWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_LogicalDisk")
  wscript.Echo colLogicalDisk.Count & " drives found on " & Computer 
  For i = 1 to 1
    For Each objLogicalDisk In colLogicalDisk
    wscript.Echo "There are " & int((objLogicalDisk.FreeSpace / (CONVERSION_FACTOR * CONVERSION_FACTOR * CONVERSION_FACTOR))) & _ 
    " Gigabytes on "  & " " & objLogicalDisk.DeviceID
    Wscript.Sleep ONE_SEC

What does this script do? This script checks the disk space on each drive on the computer “KINLW7D6LPVM1”. It uses existing objects that are available in a windows environment with the WMI service. A class within this object provides information on the drives. It provides information on the number of drives and the free space that is available. The information is gathered and exported in a loop that displays the information on each of the drives. I also created a loop to allow for a regular check on available diskspace. Within this loop a delay is included.

Another nice example is this vbs programme:

Const cAppend = 8

paramStr = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)

if (paramStr = "ONZIN") then
	paramFile = "C:\Users\TOM.VAN-MAANEN\test_list_parm.txt" '''''''''''''''BW parameter txt file for LASTSHIP DATE and others which run once a day
	InboundFolder = "C:\Users\TOM.VAN-MAANEN\"  '''''''''''''''BW TD folder path 
	logfile = "C:\Users\TOM.VAN-MAANEN\test_list_log.txt" 
end if

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logfile, cAppend, True) 'open the text file for appending

if (trim(paramStr) = "") then
  objLogFile.WriteLine paramStr & " file checking aborted, error in input parameter value"
  set objFSO = nothing
  WScript.Quit(1)  ''''FAILURE
end if

IF objFSO.FileExists(paramFile) Then 

  Set fileList = objFSO.OpenTextFile(paramFile, 1) 'open the text file for reading only
  i = 0

'''' ------------------- Missing file listing ----------------
  Do While Not fileList.AtEndOfStream 'loop until the end of the file
   	strfilename = ""
	strfilename = fileList.ReadLine 
    If (Not strfilename = "") then ''''check filename is not empty
	If NOT (objFSO.FileExists(InboundFolder & strfilename))  then ''''check file exists in inbound folder
  		if (i =0) then 
		objLogFile.WriteLine "-------------------------------**** Missing file list *****----------------------------------"
		end if

		i = i + 1

		objLogFile.WriteLine cstr(i) & ". " & strfilename
    	End If

    End If	    
  Loop '''' end loop for missing files 

  If (i > 0) then '''' atleast some missing files, terminate
		objLogFile.WriteLine " "
 		objLogFile.WriteLine "========================================================="	  
   		objLogFile.WriteLine "File list not complete in Landed folder for " & paramStr & " at " & Now
	  	objLogFile.WriteLine "========================================================="
		set objFSO = nothing
 		WScript.Quit(1) ''''FAILURE
  End If

  objLogFile.WriteLine " "
  objLogFile.WriteLine "========================================================="
  objLogFile.WriteLine "===== " & paramStr & " File checking process COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY====" & Now
  objLogFile.WriteLine "========================================================="

  set objFSO = nothing
  WScript.Quit(0) '''''SUCCESS

  objLogFile.WriteLine paramStr & " file checking Process terminated, parameter file is missing in scripts folder for " & paramStr
  objLogFile.WriteLine "========================================================="

  set objFSO = nothing
  WScript.Quit(1) ''''FAILURE

This script can be started with: cscript C:\Users\TOM.VAN-MAANEN\test_list_scr.vbs “ONZIN”. The idea in this script in that file is read that contains a list of file names. For each file name, it is checked as to whether such a file exits in a given directory. If that is not the case, such file name is added to an array. In a subsequent step, the list with file names that do appear in a given location are written to a file.

Door tom