A set of tables and content

Yesterday, I encountered a small but convenient script that creates and loads a set of tables in an Oracle environment. It was part of an Informatica training, so I have to give the credits to those guys. Click here to get the Script
I changed a few things in the script but not much. The major thing, I changed was to replace the insert of dates (done via a string like ‘1998-05-21’) into an insert via to_date(‘1998-05-21′,’YYYY-MM-DD’). This makes the script independent from local settings. I admit: it is a little detail but I believed it is a minor improvement.

The nice thing about these type of scripts is that someone who wants to get acquainted with a database is given a head start by the provision of a set of tables. One could directly play with relationships, inserts of new records, deletes etc.

Door tom