In the test phase, we would like to create a nice list of encountered bugs.
In most situations a project assistant is given the task to maintain this list. All encountered bugs are sent to him. He compiles a list. This list is then maintained to see which bugs are solved and which bugs are ready for a re-test.
However, Bugzilla helps you to create and maintain such list. It is simple to install, it can be maintained by everyone who is connected to the project and it delivers a very nice overview. Moreover, it is easy to install and it is free.
The idea is that Bugzilla is essentially a website that is installed from a so-called tarball that can be downloaded from . It is a set of Perl scripts that act as a programm to store bug notifications in a MySQL database. We then need a webserver (to link user notifications to the database), a DBMS and a Perl interpretor. If you have a so-called LAMP installation at hand, you might have fulfilled the requirements: you then have a webserver (Apache), you have a DBMS (MySQL) and probably a Perl interpretor is available as well. In principle, the installation is straight-forward: download the tarball, unzip the file to get it installed on the website location, create a user and database in MySQL and pronto, you go.
The technical details are nicely described in .

For me, it took about 5 hours to get everything installed. I did not encounter a serious problem – it went along smoothly.
The only issue was how to modify the configuration of Apache exactly to get it into the translation of the Perl files. But also here, may resources are available. And after 5 hours, I saw this screen:bugzilla

Door tom