mounting drives

Today, I played a bit with mounting external drives. Boy, that was more difficult than I thought.
The situation was a follows. I had a linux desktop and I wanted to use network resources. I have a NAS, a samba drive and a few windows shares.
A the end of the day, I only got the samba drive working. This was a directory on a raspberryPi. The directory is made available through samba. The terminal commands are:

sudo mkdir /media/samba/startTom
sudo chmod 777 -R /media/samba
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=pi,password=bunvogni // /media/samba/rasp

One has to issue these commands every time the machine is booted.
An alternative is to have it included in the /etc/fstab file that needs next line:

// /media/samba/rasp cifs rw,username=pi,password=bunvogni,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

That is all I got. No access to windows shares, no access to my NAS. Hum, Windows is easier is this respect.

Door tom